CBD: An Introduction
CBD – What is that? Many people would have probably heard of CBD; however, for the ones that have not heard about CBD, here are the details. There are thousands of compounds that are produced by the Cannabis plants. Out of these compounds, there is one compound that is well recognized and it belongs to the class known as cannabinoids. Even when it comes to the cannabinoids, there are several of them, out of which two of them are very well-known – THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). Again, out of these two cannabinoids, CBD has major health benefits and the fact that plays in favor of CBD are that users don’t get high, unlike THC. You can shop CBD products online or from a storefront.
What is Project CBD?
Due to the fact that CBD can cure many ailments, from pain relief to epilepsy and even multiple sclerosis without getting the users high is a blessing in disguise. This initiated project CBD in the United States in 2009. Project CBD is a non-profit organization, which is based in California and is committed to encouraging and propagating the research for the medical uses of CBD. They also provide information assistance to industry professionals, patients, physicians and even the general public for that matter. Users can shop for CBD products in stores as well as online and choose from their range of thousands of products. Their product range includes oils, vaporization liquids, tinctures, pills and so on. Even though the market is exploding with CBD products and is still expected to grow and multiple seven-fold, the federal government is still tagging the drug as controversial. Meanwhile, project CBD is working on
- Updating patients as well as doctors on the developments that are taking place in the political economy, cannabis science, and therapeutics.
- Backs the works done by physicians along with other researchers in collecting, collating and circulating the data from the patients, which would help determine the patterns of the effectiveness of CBD or the non-effectiveness of CBD.
- Conducting training for dispensary staff and health workers on the advantages and the disadvantages of CBD-rich therapeutics and acquiring ways to boost communications with the patients.
- Maintaining a CBD locator map, which keeps track of online delivery services as well as storefronts that offer medicines, which are high quality and rich in CBD.
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